Moses said, This is what the Lord says: About the middle of the night I will go
out through Egypt: And death will come to every mother's first male child in
all the land of Egypt, from the child of Pharaoh on his seat of power, to the
child of the servant-girl crushing the grain; and the first births of all the
And there
will be a great cry through all the land
of Egypt, such as never
has been or will be again. But against the children of Israel, man or beast, not so much as the tongue
of a dog will be moved: so that you may see how the Lord makes a division
between Israel
and the Egyptians.
And all
these your servants will come to me, going down on their faces before me and
saying, Go out, and all your people with you: and after that I will go out. And
he went away from Pharaoh burning with wrath.
And the
Lord said to Moses, Pharaoh will not give ear to you, so that my wonders may be
increased in the land
of Egypt. All these
wonders Moses and Aaron did before Pharaoh: but the Lord made Pharaoh's heart
hard, and he did not let the children of Israel go out of his land."
(Exodus 11:4-10)
The Big Questions -
It is sad
to say that if I think humanly, which I do most of the time, the above stories were orally carried over
generations by generations of Jewish traditions and then written by the ancient Jews - within a
Jewish centered history perspective.
It simply
indicated that the eyes and the mind of the Lord were with the Jewish people
and them alone.
attentions were paid to the innocent children of the Egyptians at all.
The Small Answers -
That is why
I prefer the shorter story of Jonah who told a story of a city in modern northern
Iraq and how Jonah was hesitated to spread the good news of the Lord to the
people of the Nineveh which the culture, religion and language of the people
were completely different from the Jews.
Those gentiles!
They were simply not one of us! Why did I care about them!?
And Jonah
knew better that God might forgive them as well.
am I not to have mercy on Nineveh, that great town, in
which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons without the
power of judging between right and left, as well as much cattle?"
(Jonah 4:11)
The big
questions are like the bad news occupied the evening news of most of the major TV
stations every day and night.
The small
answers are like the occasional good news reported right before the reporters
say good night to end the program.
p.s. The Bible quoted
here is from the Bible in Basic English
*** Readers Comments ***
by Chong W Chen 4/3/2018
It has been more and more convincing to me that God,
understood by the Israelis as Jehovah in the Hebrew Bible was nothing more like
a tribal deity. As a result, this God was conceived as protector of Israel and
hostile to its enemies. This is why in the Hebrew Bible Jehovah seemed so cruel
in many instances to the point of genocide against the enemies, thus the “Big
Questions.” One sentence stuck with me to this day when I was reading the book
of Exodus in Sunday school decades ago (Exodus 9:12). That sentence is “But the
Lord made Pharoah’s heart hard.” And it was repeated four more times (10:1, 20,
27; 11:10). I still don’t know how to make out what kind of “God” would do
something like that.
Fortunately, there are different voices in the Hebrew Bible which are more
lenient to the “gentiles”. Book of Jonah is one of them, Ruth is another one.
Yet, among many Jewish prophets, Jonah was probably the only one who
successfully delivered God’s warning message to the recipient people/king and
they listened and repented. Ironically, the gentile people of Nineveh listened and believed the Jewish
prophet but the so called “God’s people and their kings” never did.
Stories like Jonah may be small answers to the big questions but they speak
loudly and, more often than not, they produce good results.
by Poshu Huang 4/4/2018
對當代的以色列人而言,出埃及記所記載的耶和華就是無所不能, 拯救他們脫離被奴隸,引導他們進入流奶與蜜之地的神。
埃及的勢力何其強大, 怎會譲這些被奴役的以色列人離開而失去無代價的勞工? 為了彰顯耶和華神的大能,故事就必須加上法老的硬心, 才能彰顯神的全能。
對現代基督徒而言,神既是全能,又是公義,滿懐慈悲, 又有無限的愛的獨一真神。救恩應該普及衆生, 很難想像為何神會這麼忍的殺了那麼多的無辜。
舊約時代的耶和華只是以色列人的神,賜恩給以色列人, 領導他們打勝戰的神,雖然也有經文憚述普天下之神的觀念。 也難怪他們所代代傳頌的神會是這麼殘忍的神。
隨著人智力的發展,思想的改善, 今天我們所尊崇的神當然超越古以色列人的理解, 這也超越早期基督徒的理觧。 所幸古今許多偉大的神學家幫助我們更進一步的了解神。 這也就是我們改革宗的基本信念。耶和華是一致不變的, 只是人對真神的理解逐漸改變(改善)而己。 以我們有限的智力永遠無法完全真的知道神的本質。
我不敢,也不會提出 Big Question, 也沒有 small answer.
For the Israel at that time, Jehovah in the Exodus was
an omnipotent God who would rescue them out of slave bondage by Egyptian and led
them into the land of milk and honey.
However, in reality, how would Egyptian with great military might allow them to
leave so they would in turn lose such a great free labors. In order to
reveal the omnipotence of their God, there came the story of Exodus.
Jehovah at that time was merely God of their tribe who would take care of them
with great grace and gifts, lead them in the wars to victories against all
enemies. Although some of the Book started to post an idea that God was
not the God of Israel alone, but God of all nations (gentiles).
Theory and understanding of God have been improved a great deal with the development
of human being and so are better wisdom/knowledge. Thanks to so many
great theologians in helping us improve our understanding of Almighty God.
Of course, we human being with our limited brain cells can never completely
understand and know the essence of our God. This is the basic doctrine of Reform Church,
i.e. always reforming. God has always been there and never changed.
Only we, the human being, changed, hopefully with improvement, our
understanding of God. The One God we believe in and exalt today is
for sure far over passing what Israel believed and understood.
For me, I dare not and would not post a Big Question, nor do I have any Small
by Bernard Tsai 4/8/2018
* 再讀一次、再想一次、再寫一次 *
在這個故事記載裡面至少有三次,講到耶和華使法老的心剛硬, 不容以色列人去。這也使我想到所謂的【人有自由意志】 的地方在哪裡。
在這裡,耶和華本身命令『 殺了埃及人的頭生的兒子包括他們的牲畜』。結果呢, 後來有訂了十誡,其中第六條【不可殺人】。這條誡命是【 反對預謀殺害他人】。我不知道,怎麼解釋耶和華這個行為。
這個故事記載,似乎耶和華也是重男輕女,殺埃及人頭生的兒子。 那麼動物,就不管了。
非基督徒一直在感嘆,基督教舊約聖經所表現上帝的殘忍。 這一段的記載,沒有辦法認同上帝的慈愛。
基督教的第一個異端,馬吉安主義,也因為這個原因, 不選擇舊約聖經。 因為他們認為耶穌所稱慈愛的天父不是舊約所描寫的天父。
當基督徒強調【聖經沒有錯,聖經是神所默示的】就像1978年 10月「芝加哥聖經無誤宣言」基督徒實在很困難來解釋、 看出上帝的慈愛。
by C W Chen 4/11/2018
--> Return to http://tan-tiong-kiat.blogspot.com/
Those gentiles!
(Jonah 4:11)
*** Readers Comments ***
by Chong W Chen 4/3/2018
It has been more and more convincing to me that God,
understood by the Israelis as Jehovah in the Hebrew Bible was nothing more like
a tribal deity. As a result, this God was conceived as protector of Israel and
hostile to its enemies. This is why in the Hebrew Bible Jehovah seemed so cruel
in many instances to the point of genocide against the enemies, thus the “Big
Questions.” One sentence stuck with me to this day when I was reading the book
of Exodus in Sunday school decades ago (Exodus 9:12). That sentence is “But the
Lord made Pharoah’s heart hard.” And it was repeated four more times (10:1, 20,
27; 11:10). I still don’t know how to make out what kind of “God” would do
something like that.
Fortunately, there are different voices in the Hebrew Bible which are more lenient to the “gentiles”. Book of Jonah is one of them, Ruth is another one. Yet, among many Jewish prophets, Jonah was probably the only one who successfully delivered God’s warning message to the recipient people/king and they listened and repented. Ironically, the gentile people of Nineveh listened and believed the Jewish prophet but the so called “God’s people and their kings” never did.
Stories like Jonah may be small answers to the big questions but they speak loudly and, more often than not, they produce good results.
by Poshu Huang 4/4/2018
Fortunately, there are different voices in the Hebrew Bible which are more lenient to the “gentiles”. Book of Jonah is one of them, Ruth is another one. Yet, among many Jewish prophets, Jonah was probably the only one who successfully delivered God’s warning message to the recipient people/king and they listened and repented. Ironically, the gentile people of Nineveh listened and believed the Jewish prophet but the so called “God’s people and their kings” never did.
Stories like Jonah may be small answers to the big questions but they speak loudly and, more often than not, they produce good results.
by Poshu Huang 4/4/2018
埃及的勢力何其強大, 怎會譲這些被奴役的以色列人離開而失去無代價的勞工? 為了彰顯耶和華神的大能,故事就必須加上法老的硬心, 才能彰顯神的全能。
對現代基督徒而言,神既是全能,又是公義,滿懐慈悲, 又有無限的愛的獨一真神。救恩應該普及衆生, 很難想像為何神會這麼忍的殺了那麼多的無辜。
舊約時代的耶和華只是以色列人的神,賜恩給以色列人, 領導他們打勝戰的神,雖然也有經文憚述普天下之神的觀念。 也難怪他們所代代傳頌的神會是這麼殘忍的神。
隨著人智力的發展,思想的改善, 今天我們所尊崇的神當然超越古以色列人的理解, 這也超越早期基督徒的理觧。 所幸古今許多偉大的神學家幫助我們更進一步的了解神。 這也就是我們改革宗的基本信念。耶和華是一致不變的, 只是人對真神的理解逐漸改變(改善)而己。 以我們有限的智力永遠無法完全真的知道神的本質。
我不敢,也不會提出 Big Question, 也沒有 small answer.
For the Israel at that time, Jehovah in the Exodus was
an omnipotent God who would rescue them out of slave bondage by Egyptian and led
them into the land of milk and honey.
However, in reality, how would Egyptian with great military might allow them to leave so they would in turn lose such a great free labors. In order to reveal the omnipotence of their God, there came the story of Exodus. Jehovah at that time was merely God of their tribe who would take care of them with great grace and gifts, lead them in the wars to victories against all enemies. Although some of the Book started to post an idea that God was not the God of Israel alone, but God of all nations (gentiles).
Theory and understanding of God have been improved a great deal with the development of human being and so are better wisdom/knowledge. Thanks to so many great theologians in helping us improve our understanding of Almighty God.
Of course, we human being with our limited brain cells can never completely understand and know the essence of our God. This is the basic doctrine of Reform Church, i.e. always reforming. God has always been there and never changed. Only we, the human being, changed, hopefully with improvement, our understanding of God. The One God we believe in and exalt today is for sure far over passing what Israel believed and understood.
For me, I dare not and would not post a Big Question, nor do I have any Small Answer.
by Bernard Tsai 4/8/2018However, in reality, how would Egyptian with great military might allow them to leave so they would in turn lose such a great free labors. In order to reveal the omnipotence of their God, there came the story of Exodus. Jehovah at that time was merely God of their tribe who would take care of them with great grace and gifts, lead them in the wars to victories against all enemies. Although some of the Book started to post an idea that God was not the God of Israel alone, but God of all nations (gentiles).
Theory and understanding of God have been improved a great deal with the development of human being and so are better wisdom/knowledge. Thanks to so many great theologians in helping us improve our understanding of Almighty God.
Of course, we human being with our limited brain cells can never completely understand and know the essence of our God. This is the basic doctrine of Reform Church, i.e. always reforming. God has always been there and never changed. Only we, the human being, changed, hopefully with improvement, our understanding of God. The One God we believe in and exalt today is for sure far over passing what Israel believed and understood.
For me, I dare not and would not post a Big Question, nor do I have any Small Answer.
Chong W Chen
It has been more and more convincing to me that God, understood by the Israelis as Jehovah in the Hebrew Bible was nothing more like a tribal deity. As a result, this God was conceived as protector of Israel and hostile to its enemies. This is why in the Hebrew Bible Jehovah seemed so cruel in many instances to the point of genocide against the enemies, thus the “Big Questions.” One sentence stuck with me to this day when I was reading the book of Exodus in Sunday school decades ago (Exodus 9:12). That sentence is “But the Lord made Pharoah’s heart hard.” And it was repeated four more times (10:1, 20, 27; 11:10). I still don’t know how to make out what kind of “God” would do something like that.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, there are different voices in the Hebrew Bible which are more lenient to the “gentiles”. Book of Jonah is one of them, Ruth is another one. Yet, among many Jewish prophets, Jonah was probably the only one who successfully delivered God’s warning message to the recipient people/king and they listened and repented. Ironically, the gentile people of Nineveh listened and believed the Jewish prophet but the so called “God’s people and their kings” never did.
Stories like Jonah may be small answers to the big questions but they speak loudly and, more often than not, they produce good results.
Poshu Huang