Thursday, February 23, 2017

Toward a Faith of Honesty and Maturity

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Questions, Answers and Faith Statements

 - By C W Chen

Stephen Chen deeply appreciated the article below presented by C W Chen through which brought up some of the most interesting and discussed points in faith and Bible. 

Abraham is presented not only in the Bible, also in the Koran as a model of Faith, and purely Monotheism. And, at the time of Genesis, he was not a Jew, nor Christian or Islam, correct ? He was summoned by God, pick up by God, became the Father to Multitude of Nations, reverend as the Founder of 3 religions, right? Chapter 12, Sarah was no longer young girl, Abraham as God's chosen man, how comes the Genesis offers no moral judgment on 12:13 ? Chapter 15 and 17, God reappeared after a battle, made a Covenant with him, but who is his descendants, there is still endless war between the Palestine and Israel threatening the world peace. Fear not? What about the terrorized organizations?
This is the specialized area that Politic and Religion can never agree openly with this issue.

Does God shield us all the time?
I personally do not believe that. I don't believe the so called Guarding Angels.

In times of suffering and despair, people will often question that why me ? Surprisingly, the Bible does not have one answer but many answers that often contradict one another.
Do I have the right to complain?

The prophets said that suffering is a punishment for sin.
I absolutely resent or object this type of statement even it is from the statement of the prophets.

But, the book of Job which offers two different answers, one is a test and another one is beyond comprehension – Satan incited God. Ecclesiastes quoted that suffering is the nature of things, so just accept it.
This is the way I'd accept it.

Since we are just human beings and God, after all, is God. So, I’d like to ask that why did God make the earth and us along with it?
I don't see any possible logic answer to this question. I don't believe the Genesis was intended or prepared for this type of question.

The religious people tried to give us many answers from their own theoretical and theological point of view.
If there are more than 3 answers to one question, that means nobody knows the answer. It is quite safe to say that.

Does God really need us? And, why He create everything, including the sufferings?
There are many excuses that I can say to defend the Bible, but there will incur more questions.

I say to you that I have not forget about you and your suffering.


是宗的起源呢?好像自從有人類以來,就有了宗信仰。我看了一下維基百科全書裡面記載很多種種宗的起源的論說。 對我來看,宗的起源不在乎人類對於自己的過去跟將來的不了、還有恐懼而生的。另外一種情形,就是對於這個世界太多的不公平所生的心態。也是說在這個世界上的人生的旅程,不應該就是死了就結束,而是有前世與來世。覺得這個世界的人生不應代表人生的全部,應該還有以前世界-前生以及將來的世界-來生。所以呢,宗就是一種人類對過去的無知、現世不平衡的心態、以及對將來生的恐懼的一種安劑,或者是一種的寄託期待。
我個人出生在基督的家庭,所以呢我理所當然的變成一個基督徒但是我的個性是反對不滿於現況的。現況就是這些在社會上已經建立起來的制度。不滿於現況其實並不是不好的事情。人類文明的進步就是因為你不滿現況。但是在宗上,的不滿現況就不一樣了。不滿現況就有可能是背叛宗,被判是異徒。 基督本身是非常排斥的宗從基督的歷史就可以看到。整個歷史就是迫別人,還是被別人逼迫。殺害其他派或是被其他派殺害。 好現在這種事情少了很多,但並不是沒有在發生。

1. 登山寶訓論八福,那是非常動人安慰人的講道。只是呢,我覺得那講道不是應許而是安慰。馬太福音6:26:【 們看那天上的飛鳥,也不種,也不收,也不積蓄在倉裡,們的且養活們不比飛鳥貴重得多?】的沒有人,因而餓死?
2. 當耶論到禱告的時候,使人充滿無限希望和期待。在馬太福音7:7講到【們祈求,就給們;尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給開門】。這種有力肯定的說話你怎麼不會覺得很動心了呢問題是有沒有什附加的條件呢?
3. 讓我們從另外一個角度來看耶客西馬尼的禱告。耶禱告說:我的父親,若是可以,求不要讓我喝這苦杯!可是,不要照我意思,只要照的旨意。心裡想要要交給人類的是他的期望是最後的決定是在父神 禱告就像他導我們禱告的方式來禱告。但是我們都知道客西馬尼的禱告以後兩天發生的事情。有人解釋說這是呼應了「主禱文」的
最後的訓就是說我會再來、我要再來。我再來的時候就要審這個世界。耶升天以後、最主要的後續是保羅。 保羅調的是望愛。保羅在傳道的時候沒有像耶一樣,行很多的神蹟。保羅在林多前書15:17【基督若沒有復活,們的信便是徒然;在罪裏。】保羅一而再,再而三的調耶的死、耶的復活的再來、以及罪的赦免。所以呢保羅傳福音應許的重點將來的盼望。
有一首詩歌說【神未曾應許天色常藍】。歌詞寫得很好可是在圈裡面,我常聽到的是【神應許什】,們去禱告祈求神會給我很少聽到【神沒有應許什這就是宗信仰的平衡,也一就是人生的平衡馬太福音10:5差這十二個人去,吩咐他們說:*******10:7隨走隨傳,說『天國近了!』10:16「我差們去,如同羊進入狼群;所以們要靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿10:17 們要防備人;因他們要把們交給公會,也要在會堂裡鞭打10:18 並且們要我的緣故被送到諸侯君王面前,對他們和外邦人作見
們被交的時候,不要思慮樣說話,或說甚話。到那時候,必們當說的話;10:20 不是們自己說的,乃是們父的靈在們裡頭說的。10:21弟兄要把弟兄,父親要把兒子,送到死地;兒女要與父母敵,害死他們;10:22並且們要我的名被眾人恨惡。惟有忍耐到底的必然得救.會裡面很少聽到這些訊息
1. 神未曾應許天色常藍,人生的路途花香常漫;神未曾應許常晴無雨,常樂無痛苦,常安無虞。
2. 神未曾應許我們不遇苦難和試探,懊惱憂慮;神未曾應許我們不負許多的重擔,許多事務。
3. 神未曾應許前途盡是平坦的大路,任意馳驅;沒有深水渠汪洋一片,沒有大山阻高薄雲天。

人不是萬能、人不能勝天。對於天下的事情,人所知道的實在有限。 那麼多的解經家,為了不了解聖經、窮盡一生的功力來解釋聖經。對我來講,不解釋還好,一解釋變出來更多的問題。何必自尋煩惱,相信你能夠相信的,了解你能夠了解的,接受你能夠接受的。

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1 comment:

  1. C W raised many interesting questions about the Bible, the Christian faith, and theology in general. He also shared his answers towards some of the questions. I am sure quite a few of those questions have been sitting in the back of many Christians for a long time – questions they always wanted to ask but were afraid to. I would like to also share my thoughts about them but can only address one or two at a time.
    As far as Abraham is concerned, I remember a long-time Princeton Theological Seminary Old Testament professor, Dr. C. L. Seow used to say that the reason he was more drawn to studies in the Old Testament as opposed to the New Testament was because most people mentioned in New Testament were “saints,” – while in Old Testament, all kinds of people from all walks of life were presented there, and very few of them were of noble character and flawless. “I feel more comfortable studying them because I am just like one of them – clumsy and with many flaws,” said Professor Seow. Professor Seow also said Abraham was a jerk, because twice he lied about his relations with his wife, claiming she was his sister, just to save his own life. “In a way, we are all jerks like Abraham, the only reason we are saved is nothing but the grace of God.”
    On the other hand, I think the Israelis promoted Abraham because they need this “promised land” theory to justify their occupation of Palestine. On this planet, we call earth, all species and human races have no right to claim a permanent possession of any land. This “promised land” idea is a very selfish and problematic one. We all need to co-exist side-by-side, share graciously and manage wisely the limited resources on this planet. Otherwise, it would all come down to whoever has the most advanced weapons takes it all, until some aliens from outer space with highly advanced weapons come and make us all slaves, as in the si-fi movies.
