Thursday, July 19, 2018

緬懷 張輝雄 Remembering Joseph Chang

Please go to Leah Chang's youtube below for pictures, music and celebration the life of Joseph Chang

Amazing grace!  How sweet the sound  That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear,The hour I first believed.  

Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home.

Amazing grace!  How sweet the sound  That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. 
- John Newton

I have you in my heart

I thought of you today, but that is nothing new.

I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.

I think of you in silence.

I often speak your name.
All I have are memories, 
and a picture in a frame.

Your memory is a keepsake,

from which I will never part.
God has you in his arms.
I have you in my heart.

- Author unknown

The Life of Joseph Chang 
Joseph was born to Mr. and Mrs. C F Chang in 1943.  After high school, he entered the oldest higher educational institution in Taiwan, the Tainan Theological  College  and Seminary, and received his Master of Divinity.  One of Joseph's favorite professors, the late Rev. Dr. Daniel Beeby, was the officiator during his wedding ceremony.  Joseph Chang was also known for his musical talents such as vocals, choir conducting, classical guitar and calligraphy. 

Upon his graduation, he began his ministry in areas including central and southern Taiwanese churches.  He also spent time working with the Tainan Christian Academy, a school of the Laity learning programs and various churches' choirs throughout the cities of Taipei and Tainan.  

Briefly he entered a career in business with some success.  During his last few years on earth he began working with the elderly groups for the YMCA in the city of Tainan. 

He passed away rather peacefully on July 10, 2014.  He is buried next to his father in Wake County, North Carolina. 

Joseph is survived by his two sons, three brothers, three sisters and his mother.  

Remembering Joseph Chang - 張輝雄 先生

My first impression of Joseph was back in the seminary years more than fifty years ago.  He was younger and more active than most male students then. He had a good voice as the second tenor and he had good skill in painting and calligraphy.  I was told that he was actively involved in student activities, saying that all the campus business was everybody's business.  Students treated him as their big brother which he actually was in his family and on the campus. 

 I first dealt with him in "business" when I organized a sacred music oratorio style chorus in Tainan.  Joseph was selected by the chorus committee as the president of chorus. He was such a good one that after decades and across the Pacific Ocean, some members still remembered Joseph's leadership style. 

After a few years of his ministry in a rural church, he turned to business with some success.  Although he had been running a business full-time, by nature he had never forgotten his call to ministry when he was young.  He often offered his loving and helping hands to the strangers he just met at the bus stop, super markets and elsewhere.  Joseph had a touching smile and understood the language (street talk) of the ordinary people, with whom he made friends in minutes. 

Some six years ago when my wife and I went back to teach at the Tainan Chang Jung Christian University, we reconnected immediately.  

Under some arrangement Joseph regularly went to a rural YMCA facility to teach quite a few elderly men and women singing and shared them the stories from the Bible and elsewhere.  He made friends with them as easily as the way he played guitar and sang.  

From what we observed everybody enjoyed his teaching very much during those time.  Joseph even made friends with  Chen-Kung University students playing soccer games.  

Although we were not able to collect his paintings and calligraphy, we certainly collect those cheerful memories of him showing the love of God in his special way.     - Stephen

John and I met and married in 1980; we hadn't known each other for very long before he talked about his oldest brother, Joseph.  It was easy to tell how much John admired and looked up to him.  He related how beautiful Joseph's singing voice was, and that he enjoyed listening to him practice singing opera pieces.  John taught me to love the "three (Italian) tenors", and he would often play their songs.  I think this enjoyment grew from his great respect and admiration of Joseph.  One of the very only times that I saw tears in John's eyes was when he told me the story of how Joseph was depressed and that, while he (John) was in college, he would mix Joseph's medicine in a thermos drink and ride the bus a long way to take it to him. This was because he loved Joseph so much. And he enjoyed Joseph teaching him to play guitar, a talent that John kept up throughout his adulthood.  The first song Joseph taught him to play was "They Shall Know We Are Christians By Our Love," and when he would play that song, he'd mention that Joseph taught him. 

In 1987, we took our (then) three little children to Taiwan and stayed for 10 weeks for John to do medical rotations there as part of his medical training.  We were welcomed by Joseph and his family to stay in their apartment with them for a month.  Joseph had made sure that things were fixed up very nicely for us - even giving the 5 of us his boys' room with sleeping mats and a twin size bed.  That was a great sacrifice to give us the best, but it showed Joseph's graciousness and his great love for his youngest brother.  I remember hearing Joseph practice singing opera at his house and at the school where he went to take lessons.  He had a phenomenal voice.  Joseph wanted to make sure that I, as the American visitor, and our children were shown interesting sights, good food, and fun times.  I remember I wanted ice cream, and he took us to a place just for that.  Once, he was driving us around in his van, and his seatbelt had broken.  He showed his sense of humor by telling John to take off his belt and let him use it to place across his shoulder so that a policeman would see it and think he was wearing a working seatbelt, so he wouldn't get a ticket.  I remember him touching the belt on his shoulder and across his chest and laughing!  He and John of course spoke Taiwanese together, but he was so kind to speak English to me - as they would be in conversation, he'd stop and say, "Linnea can't understand us" and start speaking English, but I told him that I knew it was easier for him to communicate with John in Taiwanese and that I wanted John to use the chance to speak his native tongue.  Joseph gave our children, Leah (6), Joseph (4), and Nancy (turned 2 while we were in Taiwan) so much fun attention.  They thought he was great.  He let John and (little) Joseph ride his scooter.  I have a picture of the two of them on it.  We had named Joseph for his Uncle and his grandfather Joseph (my dad) because we felt that the name honored both of them.  I was so excited when Joseph came to the States and was here at Leah and Greg's wedding and reception.  I made sure to get a picture of the 3 Joseph's - your brother, my son, and my dad together.  I knew there would never be another opportunity, and that is a treasured picture to me.

I hope these are some memories that you will enjoy hearing.  I always admired and loved Joseph as my brother-in-law.  He was very handsome, too!!  I am sorry that he died too young, but I am glad that all the family has many precious memories of him.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this.  As I have told you, I will always feel a part of the Chang family, and I enjoy telling my children stories about our times together. - Linnea



他是堅持的 --堅持自己的生活方式、堅持自己對音樂的執著、堅持自己要走的路.


他是喜好運動的 --他年輕時身體碩壯,我記得他曾經跟我開玩笑說,他三拳就可以打倒任何對手,雖然是誇張的話,但由此可見他對自己的體能狀況很有信心。

他是仁慈的 -- 他對待團員非常親切,從未惡言相向;他的人緣極佳,大家都喜歡跟他在一起.

他是慷慨的 --雖然他不是有錢人,但是卻常請朋友吃飯,學生團員有需要幫忙的,他總是會替他們想辦法。

他是有靈感的 --常有驚人的名言,跟他在一起會使人感到輕鬆愉快、毫無拘束的心情。

他是嚴肅的 --他專心音樂、執迷不悟; 他也專心經營團務,做事有條不紊;重要的事情他都嚴肅以對,是極佳的領導者。

他是風趣的 --他在嚴肅的表面之下,有著十分風趣的個性,一但跟他熟悉之後,大家就會感受到他不鳴則已的幽默。

他是有哲理的 --他對人生、事務常有超脫世俗的看法,有一次我問他何不喜喝酒,他回我說:我聞到酒味就紅了,還沒喝到肚子就輸了,不喝也罷!

他是熱心的 -- 經常主動的關心朋友、常用他的摩托車載我,我後來上台北、從美國回來,他聽到消息就馬上過來看我,讓我感覺非常窩心。

   在張先生過世四年後,緬懷故人,用這篇短文跟大家分享我所認識的輝雄先生。他已經在主懷中得到安息,我很珍惜我們之間過去的情誼,他將長存在我的心中- 沈新欣

Remembering Joseph Chang

I met Mr. Chang in 1976 in Tainan through Siong Im Chorus. He was the president of the chorus at that time, and I worked with him and got to know him well. We became good friends and remained close until I went to United States for graduate school.  Today, I'd like to share with you the Joseph Chang that I knew.  

He was a persistent person - persistent in his way of life, in his music, and in all his pursuits. 
He was a passionate and emotional person - our choir members received small presents from him on birthdays, or he greeted you with a big hug if you hadn't been to rehearsals for a while. He was known to hum a melody according to his mood. 

He enjoyed sports and was proud of his strength - in his youth, he was a macho, well-built guy. I remember one time he jokingly told me that he was so tough he could take down his opponent with three strikes!! Although he was exaggerating, it showed how confident he was in himself and in his physical condition. 

He was a kind person - he was very personable and treated everyone kindly. He never raised his voice to anyone or had anything negative to say. He got along so well with people around him, and this made him very popular with all of us. We all enjoyed being around him. 

He was a generous person - although not particularly wealthy himself, he often would go out of his way to treat others to a meal or snacks. If students in the choir ran into financial difficulties, he always tried his best to help out in whatever way he could. 

He was an inspirational person - he often recited great quotes unexpectedly. And when you were with him, you would feel relaxed and joyful, at ease and free to be yourself. 

He was a serious person - he concentrated on the music, almost obsessively. He focused his attention on the operation of the chorus in a very organized way, treating all matters with seriousness. In this way, he was an excellent leader. 

He was also a humorous person - beneath the serious exterior, there was a lighter side to him. One had to know him well to realize his hidden humor. 

He could be uniquely philosophical - he had interesting, practical views to many things in life. For example, I once asked him why he didn’t drink alcohol. He replied: my face turns red and I feel sick just smelling the wine, let alone drinking it. So why drink if I've already lost in the first place?

He was an enthusiastic person - he often took initiative to care for people, jumping into action. He eagerly used to give me rides on his motorcycle wherever I needed to go. And when I came back to Taiwan after being in the States for 10 years, he came to see me right away, as soon as he heard the news. 

On this day of remembrance of Joseph, I just wanted to share these few stories with you about who Hui Xiong was to me. Although he is no longer here, he is now with the Lord. I will always treasure his friendship and the time we spent together, and he will forever live in my heart. - Victor Shen

Around 1976 Steve was conducting the TAINAN Song-Yin Chorus, where I sang bass in the choir.  We used to rehearse at Tong-Ning church. Joseph would come occasionally to visit Sue and Steve and had a little chat with us after the rehearsal.  We all loved to listen to him telling jokes and some funny stories.  He was about 10 years older than us and very handsome like the movie star Pat Boone.  I remember one night he played guitar and sang the theme song of the movie “April Love.”  His voice was so charming and romantic, the sound is still cast solid in my memory after 40 years.  I can still see the looks of the girls as they all melted under his mesmerizing looks and his magnetic voice. - Pohsu Huang 

張老師  在此我不願道離說再見,只希望在未來的一天,我們仍能帶有一顆赤子之心及歡樂的笑相會. - 沈秀

Let's go beyond the goodbye business and saying from my heart that we will meet in the future with smiles like babies where the world is nothing but joy and peace. - Andree Shen 



期許我們能用爸爸給我們的天賦好好行善於世,就像爸爸還在一樣.  - 凌宇和益民
Dear Dad,

You have given us all your good qualities: you can play the guitar and sing beautifully, and so can we. We can learn foreign languages faster than others, and we are very good at all kinds of sports just like you were. Dad and my little brother Danny always dressed up; only I am an ugly duck. But once I’m wearing a suit, I’m a gentleman just like both of you.
Dad, you were kind, knowledgeable, and caring for others. I always remember those stories you told of how you impressed those big bosses and made great achievements in business. 

My father had always loved to play football [soccer]. The time of his death was at the World Cup. I wanted to tell you that the champion of that year was the German team~~~

I hope that we do good things for the world with all the good qualities you gave us, just like you did before.

-  Ling-yu & Danny



雖然,生命的本質,是無來,無去,無生滅?不增, 不減!

數十年我們兄弟之情, 帶領我們兄弟妹的典範,難於割捨?

今天, 返回基督準備的厝, 願上帝同在.


Thinking about the time Joseph and I spent together in Tainan for the entire year in 2012, there were so many things that I needed to adjust even I was born and grew up there.  He helped me understand and become familiar with the environment.

When we were together, we  were both just like two senior people,  talking about our past a lot and how the choices we made changed our lives forever.   I always liked to criticize whatever caused the problems.  He  just listened without saying anything negative against anyone.  His loving heart and kindness made me realize that I should looked up to him.   


My brother,  Joseph's passing has brought up many lasting memories in my life.  In 1976, he and Rachel sang "I Am on the Top of the World" during my wedding ceremony.  That beautiful voice still resounds in me even today.

After my father passed away, Joseph took my Mom to the West Coast and stayed with me for a couple of days.  I saw him draw pictures during our trip in Vegas.  I was so impressed with his artistic skill.

When Mom, Rachel and I left Taipei for the States in 2012, he went to airport and see us leave at the gate until we were out of sight.

His loving and caring will always be in my heart.



Joseph has been my oldest brother that I remember in the following ways:

His artistic talents have always inspired and awed me.

He introduced me to opera, classical music, Schubert's art songs, and the Beatles while I was growing up.  His influence in my love for music is his legacy I will never forget.  His own singing of Schubert's lieder was truly amazing and unforgettable!

He has been the historian of our Chang family.  Only he could tell stories of our father and grandparents.  His connection with our extended Chang family members was awesome for me to witness.

His athletic interest has been a delight for me to observe.  His enthusiasm in coaching young soccer players was inspirational.

Last but not least, his attending the Tainan Theological Seminary blazed the trail for me to follow 50 years later.

He will always be in my heart.  May the grace, love and peace of God be with him!



When I think of my "Da-ge" (big brother in Chinese), first thing comes to mind is when I was about 12 or 13.  It was during holidays.  I went with Joseph to Tainan to spend some time with him while he studied at the seminary.  I came down with a fever one night, after I helped him clean up his dorm room.  The next day, he had to take me back home.  I can still remember the beautiful campus, with students going to classes, dining hall, or the library.  It was a fun trip for me, even thought it was cut short due to my fever illness.

I also owe my "Da-ge" a great deal for the free guitar lessons he gave me when I was in high school.  He taught me how to play guitar when he came home from the seminary during holidays.  These simple lessons inspired me to fall in love with the guitar.

I am sad to learn that brother Joseph has passed on.  I am sure his soul has found rest in God.  I am thankful to God for giving me such a wonderful brother.


I remember that Joseph, my brother, always had the musical talent, playing classical guitar, rocking & rolling and singing.  I still remember when he and I were singing on the Taiwan Christian TV show.

What impressed me the most was when our father passed away, and we had a very short time frame to come up with the Memorial Service Program.  We all had different responsibilities to make arrangements for the Service.  Every detail of the Service was designed by him.  From the Service Program cover "The Lord is my shepherd", designed and drawn by Joel, to the sermon delivered  by Stephen, eulogy by George, scripture reading by Leah, Kirsten and the music by him, John, my Michelle and me . . .the whole service program was typed by Richard.  It was a perfect farewell for our father.

That was a "FIRST CLASS ACT".  We felt we had our father's approval for the whole service that night.

Now God has called him to Heaven to rest.  Have faith we'll meet again.

Mei-Mei (Taiwanese for little sister)


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